Thursday, 22 November 2012

Geometry and fashion collide with beauty

Whilst searching for photo shoot idea for next a styling project next term, I came Across this edgy and inspiring photo shoot by Brazilian Photographer Leandro Ramos. In his latest photo shoot Ramos uses geometric and dynamic shapes to push the fashion boundaries towards the raw state of beauty. I'm inspired by the empowered , raw and edgy feel to the shoot as well as the use of the Geometric prints and paneling. 

 I'm excited by the way the light is reflected off the cage like bridge onto the model, it really evokes  the Geometry feel of the photoshoot.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Networking; A very useful skill

 Networking is something I never thought was important or interesting, until I had a lecture with the  careers adviser, Debbie Longridge, she informed me of how useful to my career networking can be...

Why bother you say?

Networking is a very useful thing actually especially in the creative industry, its a fact that 90% of creative graduates get their first opportunity thought a personal contact. 

How to do it well?

Networking is a two way tool, its not all about meeting new interesting people and getting their contact, staying in touch and helping people as well is just as important.  In doing this you start to build a good relationship, meaning they are more likely to remember you and help you out when you need it, ( this is karma pretty much)
 Another thing to remember whilst networking is to listen. Listen and be interested in them , what they are talking about as well as remember who they are and what they do. A great way of doing this is to keep a record of what people you have meet that could be useful to you.

 Your only ever six people away from the one person you really want to meet. its the six degrees of separation

Question to ask in networking situations.

Do you have any advise?

What would you do in my position?

What steps would you recommend?

When networking try to find a connection with the person you are talking to; let them talk about themselves as well. this will make it easier to keep the conversation flowing. Blagging, believe it or not is a great tool when networking. Blagging is basically the art of talking people into giving you stuff. Looking the part is just as important as what you say; image is everything.